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Swim Spa with a Treadmill: Cardio & Strength Booster

Want to level up your backyard workout? Try adding a treadmill to your swim spa. Read our post to see why this is such a game changer for backyard warriors.

What if you could create a space for fitness in your own backyard that did everything?

Think about this: a swim spa with a treadmill.

Here’s why it’s such a great idea:

  • Swimming is one of the best cardiovascular exercises you can perform. 
  • Walking and running are the other two best cardio exercises within reach of most people.
  • Combining these in a swim spa reduces the joint impact and provides low-impact running and walking options suitable for everyone.
  • Moving against the adjustable speed water current can level up your workout to challenge even the most hardcore fitness freaks.

These are the big reasons why a swim spa with a treadmill can become a dedicated space that helps you build the body of your dreams without ever leaving your backyard.

In this article, we will explore the swim spa with a treadmill in detail, discussing its features, benefits, and how it is changing the game for fitness enthusiasts. Get ready to dive into a new era of wellness with this revolutionary combination.

Aquasizer Closeup
Aquasizer Swim Spa Treadmill

What is a Swim Spa with a Treadmill?

Okay, let’s not overcomplicate things here. A swim spa with a treadmill is exactly what it sounds like. Here are the main parts of the system:

  1. A swim spa. Swim spas are like a swimming pool with a river. They have a current you can swim against to create an endless pool. The power of water can be adjusted to provide more water exercise or less. Most of them also have some kind of lounge seating with hydromassage jets to help you relax and recover after challenging workouts.
  2. A treadmill. The treadmill is designed for walking or running, of course. You’ve seen one, for sure. But a treadmill with water everywhere? These are built a little different. First, they are completely water proof. Second, they won’t go quite as fast but will still challenge you with water aerobics against the swim current.
  3. A weighted vest or leg weights. These aren’t strictly necessary. Most swim spas are shallow enough to keep you on the bottom while the buoyancy of water supports your joints. But if you find yourself floating up too much or just want some extra challenge, weights will help you.

That’s pretty much it. It’s as uncomplicated as it sounds, at least in theory.

Introduction to Underwater Treadmills

Imagine combining the buoyancy of water with the straightforward exercise we all know and love: walking or running. That’s exactly what underwater treadmills offer. These innovative fitness tools bring the familiar treadmill workout into the water, creating a unique exercise experience that is both gentle on the body and remarkably effective.

The concept of underwater treadmills emerged from the need for low-impact, high-intensity workouts. Initially popular among athletes for rehabilitation, they have since gained traction with a broader audience, including fitness enthusiasts and those seeking therapeutic benefits.

Benefits of Underwater Treadmills

The allure of underwater treadmills lies in their multitude of benefits, which extend far beyond what traditional treadmills can offer. Let’s dive into some of these advantages.

Low-Impact, High-Intensity Workouts

The most significant benefit of underwater treadmills is their ability to provide a high-intensity workout without the high impact. Water’s natural buoyancy reduces the strain on joints, bones, and muscles. This means you can engage in vigorous exercise with a lower risk of injury, making it ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Rehabilitation and Fitness

For those recovering from injuries or surgeries, underwater treadmills offer a safe way to rebuild strength and mobility. The water’s resistance helps in muscle toning and endurance building, while its supportiveness ensures a gentle approach to rehabilitation. Fitness enthusiasts also find these treadmills beneficial for cross-training, as they add variety to workout routines and help avoid the monotony often associated with gym exercises.

Advantages Over Traditional Treadmills

Unlike their land-based counterparts, underwater treadmills offer resistance in all directions. This means that every movement requires more effort, leading to a more comprehensive workout. Additionally, the cooling effect of water makes the exercise session more comfortable and less sweaty, allowing for longer and potentially more effective workouts.

In summary, underwater treadmills are a game-changer in the world of fitness and rehabilitation. They offer a unique blend of safety, intensity, and versatility, making them a valuable tool for anyone looking to enhance their physical well-being. Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or someone seeking gentle rehabilitation, the underwater treadmill could be your step towards a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Key Features of Underwater Treadmills

Underwater treadmills are not just about putting a conventional treadmill into a pool. They are engineered with specific features that make them suitable for aquatic environments and effective for various fitness goals. Here are some key features:

Durability and Materials

These treadmills are crafted from materials like polyethylene, ABS, PVC, and stainless steel, ensuring they withstand constant exposure to water without rusting or deteriorating. This robust construction guarantees longevity, even with frequent use in chlorinated or saltwater pools.

Ease of Use and Maintenance

Simplicity is at the heart of the design of underwater treadmills. Most models are motorless, relying on the user’s motion to operate. This not only makes them easy to use but also minimizes maintenance needs. There are no complex electronic components to worry about, making them a hassle-free addition to your fitness regimen.

Example: Aquasizer Underwater Treadmill

To illustrate, let’s take the Aquasizer Underwater Treadmill as an example. It’s lightweight, easy to transport, and can be used in various pool types. Its user-friendly design makes it an excellent choice for both fitness enthusiasts and those in rehabilitation. It is designed to be independent of the swim spa, so you can drop it in and use it or take it out when it’s not needed. There are no electronics to maintain, connect, or fiddle with.

Setting Up and Using Underwater Treadmills

Integrating an underwater treadmill into your pool is straightforward:

  1. Installation: These treadmills are designed for easy installation in both in-ground and above-ground pools. The absence of electrical components means you can set them up without professional help. Just place them in the pool, and they’re ready to use.
  2. Basic Operation and Safety Tips: Operating an underwater treadmill is as simple as walking or running. Start at a slow pace to get accustomed to the resistance of the water. Always maintain a good posture, and use the handrails if your model includes them. Remember, safety first – ensure you’re comfortable with the water depth and have a clear understanding of how to use the treadmill safely.

3 Health Benefits and Fitness Impact

The true value of underwater treadmills shines in their health and fitness impact. Here’s how they make a difference:

  1. Cardiovascular and Muscular Benefits: Exercising on an underwater treadmill is an excellent cardiovascular workout. It increases heart rate and blood circulation, similar to traditional running, but with added resistance from the water. This resistance also means your muscles work harder, leading to improved muscle tone and strength over time.
  2. Impact on Joint Health and Rehabilitation: One of the standout benefits of underwater treadmills is their gentle impact on joints. The buoyancy of water significantly reduces the weight bearing down on your joints, making it an ideal exercise medium for people with arthritis, recent surgery, or chronic joint pain. It’s a safe way to regain mobility and strength without the risk of further injury.
  3. User Experiences and Case Studies: Many users report significant improvements in their fitness levels and rehabilitation progress after using underwater treadmills. From athletes recovering from injuries to seniors looking to stay active, the range of positive outcomes is wide and varied. These real-life success stories underscore the effectiveness of underwater treadmills in diverse scenarios.

Comparative Analysis with Land-Based Exercise

While traditional land-based exercises have their benefits, underwater treadmills offer some unique advantages:

Efficiency in Calorie Burning and Endurance Building

Running is already one of the most calorie-intensive workouts on the planet. Adding the pressure of water helps level up this exercise. While you might not be able to run as fast against the swim machine, the added resistance will increase the calorie burn and make your exercise time even more efficient.

Reduced Impact on Joints and Muscles

For those with joint issues or muscle weaknesses, underwater treadmills provide a safer alternative to land-based workouts. The reduced impact helps prevent injury and pain, making it a sustainable exercise option for long-term health and fitness goals.

Added Strength Training

Running is almost purely cardio. There is some benefit to the leg muscles, but most of the effects of this exercise are for higher endurance. The same is true for walking and swimming to a lesser extent. But walking or running against the power of the airless swim jets adds muscle building power to these already effective workouts.

Cost and Value Analysis

When considering an underwater treadmill, it’s essential to weigh the initial investment against the long-term benefits:

Initial Investment

The cost of an underwater treadmill can vary, but it’s important to view this as an investment in your health and well-being. While the upfront cost might be higher than traditional exercise equipment, the unique benefits it offers often justify the price.

Long-term Benefits

The value of an underwater treadmill extends beyond its price tag. Its durability means it can last for years, and the health benefits it provides can significantly improve your quality of life. From reducing medical expenses related to joint and muscle injuries to improving overall fitness, the long-term value is substantial.

Spotlight on the Aquasizer Underwater Treadmill

The Aquasizer Underwater Treadmill is not just a piece of fitness equipment; it’s a revolution in aquatic exercise. Designed to transform any pool into a comprehensive workout space, this treadmill is perfect for those seeking a low-impact, high-intensity exercise regime that caters to all ages and fitness levels.

Design and Specifications

Materials and Durability: Crafted from high-quality materials like Polyethylene, ABS, PVC, and Stainless Steel, the Aquasizer is built to last. It’s resistant to the harsh chemicals found in pools, ensuring longevity and consistent performance.

Dimensions and Weight: With a weight of 57 pounds (with handrail) and dimensions that accommodate most pool sizes, the Aquasizer is both substantial and manageable. Its design includes a removable handrail, making it easy to store when not in use.

Easy to use and maintain.

User-Friendly Features: The Aquasizer’s motorless design means it’s powered by the user’s own movement, making it incredibly user-friendly. It’s equipped with rubber wheels for easy transportation in and around the pool.

Maintenance Requirements: Maintenance is a breeze. The treadmill requires no complex care – just regular cleaning to prevent chemical buildup and a simple check for wear and tear.

Practical Considerations

Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment might seem significant, the Aquasizer is a cost-effective choice in the long run. Its durability and the range of health benefits it provides make it a valuable addition to any fitness routine.

Integration into Fitness Routines: The Aquasizer is versatile enough to fit into various fitness regimes. Whether it’s for casual workouts, intensive training, or rehabilitation, it adapts to your needs.

Customer Experiences and Testimonials

Real-Life Impact: Our Customers who have used the Aquasizer report significant improvements in their fitness levels and rehabilitation progress. These testimonials underscore the effectiveness of the Aquasizer in a real-world setting, highlighting its impact on users’ health and well-being.

Here’s what people say about the Aquasizer:

  • “Enjoying this in my swim spa and is assisting me with my total knee replacement rehab. The rest of the family is utilizing too.” 
  • “Love Love Love this. I had to give up running years ago because my knees and hips just couldn’t take the pounding anymore. I’m able to run an hour a day in the pool again. We had a group of people here for the weekend who all have various joint issues, and all of them tried this out in the pool and were amazed. Great purchase”


Can anyone use an underwater treadmill? 

Generally, yes. They are suitable for all ages and fitness levels. However, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have specific health concerns.

How does an underwater treadmill fit into a regular fitness routine?

It can be a primary form of exercise or a complement to other activities. Its versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of fitness routines, from rehabilitation to high-intensity training.

Is special maintenance required for underwater treadmills?

Maintenance is relatively minimal. Regular cleaning to prevent build-up of pool chemicals and inspection for any wear and tear are usually sufficient.

Are underwater treadmills only for pools?

While they are primarily designed for pools, some models can be used in other aquatic environments. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations for optimal use.


The Aquasizer Underwater Treadmill stands out as a remarkable tool for enhancing fitness routines and rehabilitation processes. Its combination of durability, ease of use, and health benefits make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to take their aquatic exercise to the next level. Check out our options for buying one, including financing your purchase through Affirm.

If you have more questions about how to integrate an underwater treadmill with your workouts or swim spa, give us a call. One of our friendly team members will be happy to answer your questions.

About The Author:

Manny Brambila

Pool & Spa Expert

Manny has been in the Pool & Spa industry for over 15 years and is considered a pool, swim spa, & hot tub expert. He has been a Certified Pool & Spa Operator (CPO) since 2009 and worked 15 years in aquatic training and development for the largest pool chemical and customer care company. He also has been an outside consultant for the Pool and Spa industry in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles since 2018. In the past few years Manny has become Director of Operations for Epic Hot Tubs with a priority of providing customers with the most reliable information and best service possible.