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11 Salt Water Hot Tubs Pros and Cons to Consider Before You Choose

Learn what to consider before investing in a saltwater hot tub with this overview of its 11 pros & cons. Unlock the perfect choice for you!

Are you tired of dealing with harsh chemicals and constant maintenance in your hot tub? If so, you may be interested in the growing trend of saltwater hot tubs. Consider the following:

  • Saltwater systems offer a gentler alternative to traditional chlorine systems, making them a great choice for those with sensitive skin or allergies.
  • Saltwater hot tubs may require less maintenance, as the system produces its own sanitizer and can reduce the need for added chemicals.
  • Some users report feeling more relaxed and refreshed after soaking in a saltwater hot tub, thanks to the potential therapeutic effects of the saltwater.

But before you take the plunge, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of saltwater hot tubs and help you determine if it’s the right choice for your relaxation oasis.

Salt Water Hot Tubs Pros & Cons
Salt Water Hot Tubs Pros & Cons

What is a Saltwater Hot Tub?

Are you wondering how a hot tub could possibly run on salt water? It may sound like science fiction, but it’s actually a reality! In a saltwater hot tub, a salt cell uses electrolysis to produce pure chlorine from salt added to the water. This creates a steady supply of chlorine, keeping the water clean and free of bacteria.

But wait, it gets even better! The salt used in saltwater hot tubs is sodium chloride, the same type of salt you sprinkle on your food. Not only is it inexpensive, but it also provides a softer, silkier feel to the water compared to traditional chlorine systems.

With reduced chemical usage, saltwater hot tubs are gentler on your skin and eyes, making them a great choice for those with allergies or sensitive skin. It’s no wonder why they’ve become increasingly popular in recent years.

But before you dive into the world of saltwater hot tubs, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. In the following sections, we’ll explore the ins and outs of saltwater hot tubs, including the benefits they offer and any potential drawbacks.

History of Chlorine and Why it’s Used

Chlorine has been used as a sanitizer for water since the early 1900s. It was first discovered as a way to disinfect water by engineers and soon became the first chemical used for pool treatment. Before chlorine was used, pools were cleaned through filtration and frequent backwashing.

The use of chlorine as a disinfectant for water was first suggested in 1894 to make it “germ-free.” Following an outbreak of typhoid fever caused by a faulty sand filter in England in 1905, chlorination became the norm. The practice made its way to the US via New Jersey’s Boonton Reservoir in 1908.

Pros and Cons of Chlorine Water Treatment

Chlorine has several advantages when used as a sanitizer in hot tubs. It is easily accessible and effectively kills or inactivates pathogens and algae. Chlorine provides a higher level of water purification and oxidation than any other method because it is highly toxic. It is also more effective than bromine because it kills contaminants more quickly. Chlorine can also work at lower water temperature levels.

However, there are also some disadvantages to using chlorine in hot tubs. It doesn’t last as long as bromine so it may need more frequent use. Chlorine can also be harsh on sensitive skin. 

To learn more, check out this article about whether to use bromine or chlorine for hot tub sanitation.

Salt Water Hot Tubs Pros and Cons

There are many benefits to using a saltwater system in your hot tub. For example, salt water provides better buoyancy and leaves the skin feeling softer and silkier. Additionally, saltwater systems require less maintenance and have lower long-term costs. However, there are also some cons to consider, such as salt cell maintenance, the effects of saltwater on components, and the need for regular maintenance.

Pro #1 Better Buoyancy

Salt water hot tubs offer more buoyancy to users because salt increases the density of water. This makes it much easier for objects (including your body) to float. Many people find this increased buoyancy especially conducive to relaxation in a hot tub . In addition, the salt water produced by a salt water sanitation system feels especially soft and gentle against the skin .

Bathing in salty ocean water, with its increased buoyancy, is its own pleasurable experience. Now, some hot tub owners are able to bring the ocean into their backyards with salt water-based hot tub sanitation systems.

Pro #2 Softer & Silkier Water

Salt water hot tubs can produce a softer and silkier feel to the water. The salt used is sodium chloride, which is essentially regular table salt. It’s also the same salt that is in the ocean but only about a tenth of the amount. The salt in the water can help balance pH levels and make it feel more natural.

Hard water is packed with magnesium and calcium which can cause mineral deposits and limescale to build up all over your house. Soft water replaces those magnesium and calcium ions with sodium ions. The salt is what alters the chemistry of water to reduce harsh chemicals and hard water to produce a feeling of softness against the skin.

Pro #3 No More Sanitizer

A salt water hot tub uses the salt in the water to convert salt into lower chlorine levels naturally. This natural process eliminates the need to add chemical chlorine and drastically reduces chloramines. Engineers have carefully designed a salt water sanitation system to create a constant supply of chlorine in your hot tub from the interaction of salt and water through a process known as electrolysis. Read our helpful article about saltwater vs chlorine hot tubs to learn more.

Pro #4 No More Odor

When chlorine is added to water to sanitize it, it releases chloramines which can produce a strong smell and offensive odor. Saltwater hot tubs do not have this issue because they do not require added chlorine. The chloramines present in saltwater hot tubs do not cause an unpleasant smell.

The chlorine that is produced by a salt water chlorinator is different from chemical chlorine so it won’t smell nor will it leave a scent on your clothing, hair or clothes. Water that’s treated with chloramine has a lower concentration of chlorine than water that’s treated with just chlorine, so the water with chloramine might not smell too much.

Now, let’s turn to the cons of salt water systems for hot tubs.

Con #1 Salt Cell Replacement and Maintenance Time

Saltwater hot tubs use a salt cell that often contains parallel titanium plates. These eventually fail, even with very good maintenance. Poor maintenance will cause them to fail earlier than their 3-5 year lifespan. Replacing one can cost between $200 and $400.

Con #2 Saltwater is hard on components

Saltwater is more prone to cause corrosion than chlorinated water, so you’re likely to see more wear and tear to your hot tub if it is saltwater. Salt can corrode certain uncoated elements and cause damage to the hot tub. Saltwater hot tub owners must pay attention to their salinity levels and wipe down vulnerable elements as necessary after use.

Con #3 Regular Maintenance Required

While saltwater systems require less maintenance than traditional systems, they still require regular maintenance to keep the water balanced and clean. This can involve removing and cleaning the chlorinator and wiping down components to prevent corrosion. Keeping a clean water system will help reduce maintenance, but the need for work will always be there.

Discover how long a hot tub lasts with our helpful guide.

Con #4 Adding salt affects the pH of the water

Adding salt affects the pH of the water. The reaction between the salt and ions can change the chemistry of the water. To keep pH levels in an optimum range, you can use products such as pH decreaser (also known as pH reducer or pH minus) which contains sodium bisulfate. It is important to maintain a pH level between 7.2 and 7.8 in your hot tub. Saltwater systems need a strong buffering capacity to avoid rises and falls in pH. Advanced saltwater systems can increase the natural levels of chlorine per gallons of water during periods of heavy use.

Con #5 Salt Water Hot Tubs Are Not Suitable For Very Sensitive Skins

While saltwater hot tubs contain much less chlorine than traditional hot tubs, people with acute sensitivities may still notice a slight skin dryness. On the other hand, most people find that saltwater does not irritate their skin and eyes at all. Chlorine is naturally generated in saltwater hot tubs so chloramines are less likely to build up, keeping your eyes and skin safe from irritation.

Cost comparison of salt water sanitation versus chlorine sanitation

The initial cost of a chlorine system is generally less than a salt water system hot tub. Chlorine hot tubs cost between $5,000 and $8,000 while luxury ones can cost up to $16,000. Salt water systems cost $500 to $1,800 to install in an existing hot tub. The maintenance of a chlorine system is also cheaper as the filters can be easily replaced and are relatively cost-effective.

However, it’s important to note that while the initial cost of installing a salt water hot tub is quite high, it may save you money in the long run. With a saltwater system, you’ll replace the cartridge three times per year instead of adding chlorine daily or weekly. You’ll also only need to drain and refill your hot tub once a year instead of once every 3-4 months with traditional chlorine.

Read our full guide about hot tub running costs.


How Much Is a Salt Water Hot Tub?

A saltwater hot tub sanitation system is usually an add-on to a hot tub. The costs range from $400 to $1,000 or more

Is a Salt Water Hot Tub Better?

Saltwater hot tubs have several benefits over traditional hot tubs, such as lower long-term costs, better buoyancy, and softer water. However, they also have some downsides, such as higher initial costs and the need for regular maintenance. Whether or not a saltwater hot tub is better depends on your personal preferences and needs.

Are Salt Water Hot Tubs Safe?

Saltwater hot tubs are safe as long as they are used and maintained properly. However, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and to test the water regularly to ensure that it is safe for use.

Is UV Better than Salt Water Hot Tub?

UV and saltwater hot tubs both have benefits for hot tub maintenance. UV systems use ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms in the water. Saltwater systems use a natural chemical reaction to produce chlorine. Both systems have their pros and cons, and the choice between them depends on your personal preferences and needs.

Choose Chlorine

While saltwater hot tubs have several benefits over traditional hot tubs, they also have some downsides. Chlorine is still a highly effective and safe way to keep hot tub water clean and free of bacteria. Whether you choose a traditional chlorine system or a saltwater system, the most important thing is to maintain your hot tub properly and test the water regularly to ensure that it is safe for use. If you want to explore your options or work out how to choose a hot tub, talk to our friendly staff members at Epic Hot Tubs. We’ll be happy to give you real answers based on our experience with the best hot tub brands and spas.

About The Author:

Manny Brambila

Manny Brambila - Pool & Spa Expert

Manny has been in the Pool & Spa industry for over 15 years and is considered a pool, swim spa, & hot tub expert. He has been a Certified Pool & Spa Operator (CPO) since 2009 and worked 15 years in aquatic training and development for the largest pool chemical and customer care company. He also has been an outside consultant for the Pool and Spa industry in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles since 2018.