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7 Essential Health Benefits of Cold Plunges, According to Wellness Experts

If you’re looking for a fantastic backyard spa, check out an infinity edge swim spa. These gorgeous spas help you swim for exercise and relax in utter peace.

Jumping into frigid water or taking cold showers is not something most of us do on purpose. But should it be? Scientists, doctors, and regular people are discovering more cold plunge benefits as they do more research. This means there could be some very good reasons to get into that chilly water.

In this article, you will learn:

  • The significant physiological benefits of regular cold plunges.
  • How cold plunges can positively impact your mental health and mood.
  • Practical advice for safely integrating cold plunges into your daily life.

Join us as we dive into the refreshing world of cold plunges, uncovering the myriad of benefits they offer.

7 Health Benefits of Cold Plunges – Key Takeaways

Health BenefitDescription(?)
Reduced Muscle Soreness and InflammationDecreases muscle soreness (DOMS) and inflammation post-exercise, especially for endurance athletes
Improved Blood Flow and Cardiovascular HealthEnhances circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients effectively
Lowered Blood Pressure and Heart RateRegulates blood pressure and steadies heart rate over time
Potential Benefits for Heart DiseaseMay aid in preventing cardiovascular diseases
Positive Effects on Mental Well-beingReleases endorphins, improving mood and mental clarity
Potential Treatment for Certain Medical ConditionsOffers therapeutic potential for depression, anxiety, and other conditions
Sports Medicine and Cold PlungesAccelerates muscle recovery and reduces soreness for athletes.

The Science Behind Cold Plunges

What actually happens when your body is subjected to these cold temperatures? Here are the specific things that happen and what they could mean for your health:

  • Your metabolic rate increases. This study shows metabolic rate increases of 350% for a group of men who spent up to one hour in cold water. Increases in metabolism could help with weight loss.
  • Your dopamine levels skyrocket. Dopamine is an important hormone related to memory and reward. This study found cold immersion increases dopamine by up to 250%, which is a huge jump. This means immersion in water that is super chilly could lead to better mental focus and productivity.
  • Your “brown fat” is more active. Brown adipose tissue (BAT), also known as brown fat, is a kind of healthy fat in your body (not like the white fat that makes people obese. Studies show cold water activates brown fat. This leads to a release of proteins and an uptake of BCAAs, which can create energy and heat. Using up BCAAs is linked to lower obesity, insulin resistance, and Type 2 diabetes.
  • You can activate your sympathetic nervous system. An icy plunge can help you activate your sympathetic nervous system, leading to the release of epinephrine and an anti-inflammatory response in your body. This study shows cold plunges can lead to better immune response through epinephrine.

All these changes in your body are real and possible through using cold plunge tubs or even just a cold shower. Let’s cover how these can turn into big benefits and then we’ll mention some of the potential risks.

Physical Health Benefits

Jumping into cold water isn’t immediately appealing for most people. A hot shower certainly sounds nicer! Once you get past the cold shock response, though, there are big benefits for taking that plunge.

Of course, we should mention the opposite of a cold plunge! You can get many benefits from using hot tubs as well. Want to know how? Check out this article for more info: What is Hydrotherapy?

Now, let’s look at the benefits of that cold plunge.

#1 Reduced Muscle Soreness and Inflammation

A cold plunge is akin to a refreshing balm for weary muscles. Research consistently affirms its efficacy in deflating the dreaded ballooning of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Post-workout muscle soreness can be reduced, which can help you get back into the gym faster, improving your results.

#2 Improved Blood Flow and Cardiovascular Health

When you jump into the cold, your blood vessels constrict, which is called vasoconstriction. After you get out and start warming up, the opposite happens, which is called vasodilation. Both processes are good for increasing blood flow.

#3 Lowered Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Your heart rate will increase when you get into the cold, but this gets better. The big benefit is the production of hormones, such as aldosterone, which regulate blood pressure. As your body releases and processes aldosterone, it regulates your sodium and potassium levels to maintain your optimal blood pressure.

#4 Potential Benefits for Heart Disease

Cold plunges can help your chances of staving off heart disease by teaching you how to control your stress response, thus reducing your levels of stress and perhaps helping avoid cardiac arrest. These aren’t always direct connections, though. But maintaining good blood pressure, activating your brown fat, and improving your circulation all come together to help you avoid heart disease.

Mental Health Benefits

Beyond metabolic health, cold plunges are great for stress management, fighting off depression, and increasing dopamine. Let’s take a look at some of these positive mental health benefits.

#5 Positive Effects on Mental Well-being

Cold water swimmers and group cold plungers report many benefits, but the mental health boosts are often top of the list. These come from three potential sources:

  • Joining a social activity like a polar plunge group is good for your mental health.
  • Being outdoors and by the water is known to help with depressive disorders and mood swings.
  • A wide range of physiological changes happen, too, so it’s an actual physical change.

List of Mental Well-being Benefits Observed in Cold Plunge Participants:

  • Elevated mood due to endorphin release
  • Enhanced focus and mental clarity
  • Alleviation of physical symptoms associated with stress
  • Lowered tension and fatigue
  • Improved memory and energy levels

#6 Potential Treatment for Certain Medical Conditions

Cold water therapy is garnering attention as a potential salve for the mind, particularly for conditions like depression and anxiety. The cascade of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin during a cold shock may play a role in emotional regulation, hinting at the therapeutic potential of regular cold plunges. 

Presented below is a table outlining the potential impact of cold plunges on various medical conditions:

Medical ConditionPotential Impact of Cold Plunges
FibromyalgiaReduction in inflammation and improvement in circulation
Multiple SclerosisAlleviation of symptoms through cold-induced neuroprotective mechanisms
Rheumatoid ArthritisLessening of joint pain and inflammation
Chronic Pain ConditionsDiminished pain sensation through reduction of nerve activity
Psoriasis and EczemaImproved skin health due to anti-inflammatory effects and enhanced blood circulation
Respiratory ConditionsStimulated respiratory system and possible improvement in lung function

#7 Sports Medicine and Cold Plunges

Cold water swimming and cold therapy have been shown to reduce soreness after exercise repeatedly. That’s why you’ll see an extreme athlete and professional athletes in ice baths. But there is a little more to it than just treating sore muscles.

  • Cold water reduces swelling and inflammation after a bout of exercise, which helps recovery.
  • As we mentioned, cold water exposures increase the usage of BCAAs, which your body needs for energy.
  • The boosts in your immune function can help fight off illness when you are intentionally stressing your body through exercise.

There is one big caveat here: cold water therapy can blunt muscle growth. So, if you’re looking to make big gains in the mirror, don’t use a cold plunge immediately after your workout. Do it before for the energy boost or on off days to increase dopamine and gain all the mental benefits.

How to Safely Incorporate Cold Plunges into Your Routine

Go slow. Don’t book a flight to the Arctic Circle and dive into the ocean. “Warm up” to the task by starting off with shorter dips in water that is just a little uncomfortable cold. Aim for water around 50°F (10°C) for initial plunges.

Hydration is a cornerstone of safe practice; ensure adequate fluid intake before and after to offset increased metabolic activity. Warm up with light exercise or stretching to stimulate blood flow, priming your body for the chill.

During immersion, heed your body’s signals attentively. Lowering your core body temperature too much can be dangerous. If you experience intense shivering, numbness, dizziness, or discomfort, it’s a clear message to exit the water swiftly. Consult with a healthcare provider if you have any health concerns or conditions.

Here’s a quick checklist for cold plunge beginners:

  • Start with cooler showers
  • Gradually lower water temperature
  • Ensure proper hydration
  • Warm-up before a plunge
  • Monitor your body response
  • Stop if discomfort arises

Respect your limits and integrate cold plunges into your wellness routine with prudence.

Vinterköld Västera – A Home Cold Plunge Solution

Brand: Everest Spas
Dimensions: 70.1 x 33.1 x 37.4 in
Seating Capacity: 1 Person
Underwater Lights: 1

For cold water enthusiasts looking to integrate cold plunges into their home wellness routine, the Vinterköld Västera from BellaGio Luxury Spa offers an elegant solution. This at-home cold plunge setup combines convenience with luxury, making it easier to embrace the practice of cold plunging.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Ease of Use: The Vinterköld Västera is designed for simplicity and ease, suitable for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. Its user-friendly interface allows for temperature control and duration settings, providing a customized cold plunge experience.
  • Design and Quality: Crafted with attention to detail, this product not only serves its functional purpose but also adds an aesthetic value to your home spa or bathroom setup.
  • Health at Home: Having a cold plunge solution like the Vinterköld Västera at home means you can enjoy the health benefits of cold plunging on your schedule, without the need to seek out natural bodies of water or set up makeshift ice baths.

While the Vinterköld Västera represents an investment, it’s an option worth considering for those with the budget and a commitment to integrating cold plunges into their lifestyle. It’s a convenient and effective way to access the myriad of health benefits associated with a cold bath, right in the comfort of your home.


Cold water immersion and cold exposure are being examined more and more for their potential health benefits. You could listen to Wim Hof, a world record holder for cold plunges, or Andrew Huberman, a medical professional and researcher into brain physiology. Doing your research for educational purposes will quickly show you the powerful physical benefits and mental health boosts of jumping into a cold body of water for a few minutes.

If you’re ready to take the plunge, check out the Vinterköld Västera. This premier cold plunge tub could transform your life with its simplicity, elegance, and usefulness. Our team at Epic Hot Tubs is always on hand to answer any questions you have and help you plan your next hot tub, swim spa, or cold plunge tub installation.

About The Author:

Manny Brambila

Pool & Spa Expert

Manny has been in the Pool & Spa industry for over 15 years and is considered a pool, swim spa, & hot tub expert. He has been a Certified Pool & Spa Operator (CPO) since 2009 and worked 15 years in aquatic training and development for the largest pool chemical and customer care company. He also has been an outside consultant for the Pool and Spa industry in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles since 2018. In the past few years Manny has become Director of Operations for Epic Hot Tubs with a priority of providing customers with the most reliable information and best service possible.